About Us
Hi there! We’re so happy you have stopped by!
We are Michael and Nora and we are passionate about serving Jesus, missions, traveling, and all things christian living, marriage, family, and parenting! We have taken our family and moved to the other side of the world to a remote island country to teach people about Jesus and His love for them. Michael is a pastor and we are church planters in the beautiful tropical country of the Solomon Islands. We were married in 2014 and began this adventurous journey from the very beginning of our life together. God has given us three sons and three daughters with two of our sons in heaven. You will see a little bit of everything here, but most of all we hope you see Jesus.
We enjoy sharing all the ups and downs of a transparent missionary life. Serving Jesus is not always easy. In fact, He never promised it would be easy. He did, however, say that it would be worth it. Through the mountain tops of exciting fun and adventure and through the dark valleys of pain and loss, we are here to proclaim that serving Jesus is a life worth living!